Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Demi Lovato Is Inspiring Social Action by Auctioning Clothing Right From Her Closet

Demi Lovato is inspiring fans to take action. This week, the 27-year-old star launched a multifaceted auction with Propeller to support social-justice initiatives and novel coronavirus (COVID-19) relief. Not only is Demi sharing the opportunity to own clothing items straight from her closet, but she's doing it to encourage her loyal fans to sign petitions, share Black Lives Matter resources, and demand social justice. Starting July 4, individuals can complete different actions to get points, which are considered entries for the items. The more tasks you complete, the higher chances you have of winning.

On the Propeller website, you can select an item of Demi's that you're interested in, such as the sequined jacket she wore on the Neon Lights tour in 2014 or the purple Balenciaga boots she wore in the "Sorry Not Sorry" music video. Each item has its own set of action items to complete to increase your chances of winning, including signing petitions to demand justice for Elijah McClain, donating to Color of Change, and even tasks like following the Black Voters Matter Fund on Instagram.

Demi shared the auction news on Instagram, writing, "We need change more than ever, so please keep taking action for racial justice, COVID-19 relief, and let's make sure we are ready to vote and ask our friends and family to do the same!!" Check out some of the items Demi is auctioning ahead, and make sure to check Demi's page on the Propeller website for new items being added each week.

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