Barbie Ferreira has turned Zoom dressing into an art form. The Euphoria actress recently wore the coolest outfit to appear in a virtual press junket for her upcoming film, Unpregnant. (She followed up the round of interviews with one of those constantly in-demand sushi boxes from Sugarfish.) In her caption, Barbie said the look's "tru inspiration" was the "iconic" Paloma Elsesser, who wore the same dress in a spread for the September 2020 issue of GQ.
The printed dress - by edgy, Berlin-based brand Ottolinger - features a tie at the waist, long sleeves, contrast piping, asymmetrical cutouts, and one high leg slit. Whew. The artful outfit, styled by Chris Horan, also consisted of white By Far lace-up booties and gold, serpent drop earrings by Anna Sheffield. In fact, the combination of the serpent earrings and the scene depicted on the dress offered quite the biblical vibe altogether. (Just us?)
The look was finally punctuated by bold green eye makeup done by Kali Kennedy ("Got a little wasabi on the eye," the makeup artist wrote on Instagram) and a sleek, middle-part hairstyle by Sylvia Wheeler.
Enjoy photos of Barbie's outfit ahead, and shop all the exact pieces that went into it.
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