If you don't already have an arsenal of people you love to follow for outfit inspiration up your sleeve, we did the extra leg work. Thats right; we're connecting you with a street style star you're sure to glean #OOTD tips from - all based on your zodiac sign. Your horoscope can actually give you a pretty detailed look into your taste preferences, and that's not just limited to food or films.
If you're a Cancer, you likely gravitate toward classic pieces and you certainly have your power colors. Meanwhile, a Taurus will always find themselves reaching for clothes that are comfortable - either because they're by a brand they've worn before or they just prefer function. (Who needs heels?) The Pisces is known for a bohemian aesthetic, so you can expect plenty of free-flowing maxi dresses in their closet.
Guess what? There's more where that came from. When you scroll, you'll be able to learn a little bit more about the fashion look that's right for you, and you'll also meet your match when it comes to Instagram icons. Behold: some very personal style advice that you should totally trust. It's written in the stars!
- Additional reporting by Aemilia Madden
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