The 2021 Grammy Awards brought out a wide range of red carpet looks, from custom Gucci co-ord sets crafted for the likes of Billie Eilish and Harry Styles to strikingly sexy ensembles, such as Dua Lipa's Versace butterfly dress. But as the night went on and we enjoyed costume changes from some of those same celebrities for their performances, our eyes widened - the fashion just seemed to get better and better! Beyoncé showed up in a glamorous leather Schiaparelli ensemble, and even presenter Lizzo swapped from one custom Balmain look to the next, showing off equally eye-catching shoe moments from the carpet to the stage. Of course, it was tough to narrow down our favorites to eight supreme looks, but we feel these express everyone's personalities to a T. We couldn't imagine the show without these stars - and now, suddenly, we can't imagine the show without their outfits, either.
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