People began preordering UGG x Telfar bags on Cyber Monday back in November 2020, and now they're finally being delivered. The hype is loud, to say the least, across all social channels - including Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, where people have been posting outfit selfies and unboxings set to bops that make me want to turn the music up. "I got my Telfeezy!" they shout. We're able to see some of the wrapping that these much-coveted accessories come in, and our favorite part of the whole presentation is a tag with a message from designer Telfar Clemens:
"Way back in 2010 we made an unauthorized, deconstructed UGG Classic boot the centerpiece of our Fall/Winter show. That was way before collaborations were a thing; before accessible was considered fashionable; and before a Black-owned gender-free label was considered possible. We've got a long way to go. Better dress comfortable," it reads.
One thing's for sure - the DNA of the UGG brand and Telfar's signature sleek, wear-anywhere, utilitarian style certainly shines through. We may even call these shoppers, retailing for $192 (small) or $290 (medium), our favorite accessory collab to date. Read on to see how excited fans are styling their UGG x Telfar - or just screaming about their totes loud and proud all over TikTok.
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