I have a friend who was lucky enough to get the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine last week. In all her excitement, she didn't give much thought to her outfit and showed up to the pharmacy in a long-sleeved T-shirt. In order to actually get her shot, she had to take off her top and sat there in her bra while she got vaccinated. It's definitely a funny and memorable anecdote, but if you're looking to avoid that particular scenario, let me help you out with a collection of tops that are vaccine-approved.
Forever-icon Dolly Parton already knows what I'm talking about; she showed up to her Moderna vaccine appointment in a cute top with cutout shoulders. This is proof that Dolly's always thinking, and I want to be on her wavelength. Plus, getting vaccinated is a truly momentous occasion and deserves to be celebrated with a new top. Keep reading to shop my selections.
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